Get access to 100’s of rare and favorite varieties of fruit
1351 Maple Avenue, Santa Rosa 95404
- Free cuttings – for rooting & grafting!
- Free pruning lesson & demo: 11am-12:30pm
- Free grafting lesson & demo: 12:30-2pm
- Rootstocks available for sale
- Custom grafted trees
- Fruit experts to answer questions
- Bee Education
- Citrus Sales
- Fruit trees for sale
Redwood Empire Chapter Members of the CA Rare Fruit Growers Club get early access/first choice at 9am. Become a member
Custom Tree Grafting Service: $5/graft
Expert grafters are available to graft a custom tree for you. Purchase your rootstock, choose your scion, and then buy a custom grafting ticket for $5.
Rootstock: $5–10 each
See flyer for rootstock availability and pricing.
No price breaks for larger quantities.
Fresh Citrus Fruit for Sale
Enjoy variety of delicious fresh citrus fruit grown by CRFG member Ray Sheehey.
Scion Collection Starter Kit: $2
Available at entry: includes plastic bag, sharpie and tape. Or you bring your own plastic bags, tape, sharpies etc.
Vendor Inquiries: Please contact Phil Pieri at Phil_p_2001@
- Select special cultivar cuttings for grafting – often over 500 varieties!
- Enjoy grafting and planting demonstrations for beginners
- Rootable cuttings also available: grapes, figs, pomegranates and more may be planted directly in the ground
- Fruit Experts available to answer questions
- Download our flyer to share
Download Your Comprehensive Guide
How to Make the Best of a CRFG Scion Exchange (pdf)
- Scion wish list (based on fruit tastings, research, and experienced recommendations according to the chill-hours and micro-climate of where you live)
- Gallon zip-top plastic bag to put your scions in so they stay fresh, (include your name on it in case you lay it down and forget)
- Painters or masking tape to label your scions
- Permanent Marker to write on your tape
- Notebook & pen to take notes
- A handled-tote to carry them all in
- Scions to share from your trees. (See instructions below.)
- Cash for entry for all your purchases
What NOT to Bring
- NO Citrus or relatives (plants or scions/cuttings) Find out why.
- NO Disease or Pests on infected plants
- NO Old-Wood with fruit spurs (two years or older wood)
- Bring only the most recent tip growth that grew last year
- NO Non-Edible Plants
- NO Currently Patented Plant Varieties <Cultivars in green safe to share
- Learn all about Finding Plant Patents
Scion Exchange Essential Knowledge
- Your Master Guide: Make the Best of a CRFG Scion Exchange (pdf)
- What is a Scion Exchange?
- What Should Members and Attendees Bring?
- How to Harvest Scions for a Scion Exchange (video)
- How to Collect Scionwood with photos
- Watch Videos showing how to harvest and prepare scions for an Exchange
- Print Labels for the Scion bags you bring to the Exchange
- Grafting Fruit Trees with Graham Stott (pdf)
- Fruit and Nut Harvest Dates plan a continuous harvest throughout the season
- Attend other CRFG Scion Exchanges around the state
Join Now Don’t wait until the Scion Exchange to fill in forms. Join or renew your membership to CRFG and to our Chapter for early member only access to the Exchange and exclusive members only opportunities:
- Join CRFG to help us support our mission—including scion exchanges!
- Subscribe to our Redwood Chapter for exclusive orchard tours, events, grafting classes, fruit tastings, and educational opportunities

VIDEO: Getting Ready for the CRFG Scion Exchange
Additional Links
- A video at YouTube on how to collect and label scions.
- If you are donating plants to the raffle, please label them with this form.
Additional scion exchanges are held at CRFG chapters throughout California, Texas, Arizona and Nevada.
Collecting and Sharing Scions
Collecting Scions at the Exchange
Bring gallon zip lock baggies, tape and a sharpie marker to label your scions. Help yourself to no more than a scion or two of each variety you will really graft this year.
Download our Scion Exchange guide (pdf).
Preparing Scions for Contribution
Please take care in the labeling of any scions you’d like to bring to the Scion Exchange. Scions should be cut from clean, one-year-old wood, about 1/4 inch in diameter and generally no more than 6 inches long so that they fit in attendees’ gallon zip lock bags. Please bring then in clearly-labelled gallon zip lock bags.
Download the Scion Label Form
Patent and Quarantine Information
Only scions from non-patented non-quarantined trees may be brought to the exchange.