Grow Local; Shop Local!
CRFG-R would like to thank the following local businesses and associations for their support and donations to the chapter:
Harmony Farm Supply and Nursery for just about everything needed for fruit gardening, on Hwy 116 just North of Sebastopol. They offer a 10% discount on plant-materials and some irrigation supplies for CRFG Redwood members. You will need to provide your name and phone number for comparison to our membership list in order to get the discount. Harmony provides irrigation supplies & design, solar supplies & design, a full range of organic vegetables and flowers, nursery stock well adapted to our local climate, and edible landscape design services. Harmony promotes community-supported organic and sustainable agriculture at home, on the farm, and with a special program for school gardens.
Prickett’s Nursey, at the corner of Calistoga Road and Hwy 12, with weekly specials 707-539-3030, with a wide selection of indoor and outdoor plants, pottery, soil amendments, Xmas trees, and pruning service. Denise Baxter, owner.
Sonoma Compost Company, Organic, Affordable, Quality Compost and Mulch for your garden. Alan Siegle
Bee Kind for all your beekeeping supplies
Sebastopol Hardware Center, a West Sonoma County full-service hardware store. “Service, convenience and selection in a one-of-a-kind store”. Talk to Mike Bishop or anyone in the store for help.
Comment from Keith Borglum: ” Let me tell you a story about SHC. I was keeping an eye on some friends’ house near Ragle Park while they were away during the last big storm. I go to check on the house, and there is a HUGE fir tree slowly tipping over toward the house, big enough to crush the house. I raced to SHC and grabbed a full container of heavy chain intending to secure the tree to another, and found a long line of customers at the cash register. I stopped a clerk (whom I found out later is an owner), telling them it was an emergency and “could I just leave my credit card or a hundred bucks and run with the chain”. They said “just go and come back and pay later”. They never even asked my name! Shop local! (and we saved the house in the nick of time – thanks SHC!)
Slow Food Russian River “a non-profit, eco-gastronomic organization that supports a bio-diverse sustainable food supply, local producers, heritage foodways, and rediscovery of the pleasures of the table”.(Whew!) Slow Food and CRFG-R share a number of members in common, ideals in common, and are mutually supportive at respective events. They have local chapters around the world, just like CRFG.
Burbank Gold Ridge Farm for hosting our espallier apple fence, being a source of scions, allowing us to use their park for meetings, and doing their own work to propogate and retain heritage trees and plants. CRFG also planted and manages an espallier fence of Burbank varieties there.
Master Gardeners for their insightful information and support
Oldies and Goodies Organic Plant Starts. Wholesaler specializing in organically grown heirloom and other outstanding food plants and flowers. Contact Lena at 707-823-5206.
Nana Mae Organics Members Paul and Kendra Kolling tend over 400 acres of 25 varieties of heirloom apple varieties throughout Sonoma County for over 100 different landowners. Kendra is also active on the Slow Food Gravenstein committee. Their apples, apple juice, applesauce, cider-vinegars and other products under the Nana Mae label (named after Paul’s grandmother) are available at stores and farmers’ markets throughout the Bay Area.
Paula Downing, manager of a number of the Sonoma County Farmer’s Markets, for supporting CRFGR through donations of space at the markets for our annual plant sales, and a cash donation to support the CRFGR Cider Press demonstrations for Slow Food.
Whole Foods Market in Sebastopol offering quality natural, organic and local food products, and lots more (including donations for our raffle at the scion exchange).
Sonoma County Nursery Tour and Gardener’s Resource Guide speaks for itself. Nice website and articles. Supporter of CRFG-R.
Sustainable Seed Company is based outside Petaluma, offering the finest quality organic and heirloom seeds, a raffle-donor and participant in CRFG-R.
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds with a store in Petaluma, offering 1400 kinds of heirloom seeks, a donor of seeds to our scion exchange.
United Forest Products – is a local producer of ground covers and amendments, and a donor in support of our raffles.
DeLoach Vineyards and Winery for the hospitality at their facility use for our meeting, and donation to the Scion Exchange raffle.
Ace Cider is kind enough to repeatedly host our fall apple tasting events. They sell many kinds of local hard cider.