CRFG held its annual grafting clinic geared for beginners and those that would like to improve their technique with hands-on guidance & support. This year’s clinic was held at the beautiful home and gardens of member Dr. Allan Bernstein.
This clinic offered a brief lecture about grafting, with demonstrations of two grafting techniques done at this time of year. Following that, we broke out with experienced grafters for some individual tutoring & practice. Participants were able to see that many grafters vary slightly in their techniques & materials.
It was written by the late Chuck Ingels and is a valuable resource. There are a few names in the fruit growing field that everyone respects – Chuck was one of those. We discussed three of the grafts that Chuck demonstrates: Whip ( also called whip and tongue), Cleft, and Chip bud. T-budding and Bark grafting require that the bark be slipping. We are not far from that time, but for now we will not do those grafts.