We hosted our annual scion exchange to a crowd of several hundred fruit enthusiasts. Hundreds of varieties of fruit trees were available as free scions, plus bare root and live plants offered by vendors. We were lucky in receiving our … Continue reading
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CRFG Member Maile Pieri attended the 2016 Festival of Fruit in San Luis Obispo County and provided the following writeup and photos. Thanks, Maile! Black Diamond Vermicompost in Paso Robles. CRFG members were given an amazing tour, by Cristy … Continue reading
We held our annual scion exchange at the Santa Rosa Veteran’s center. Hundreds of people attended this community event, collecting free scions from hundreds of varieties of fruit trees. Rootstocks were available for sale at a nominal price, and CRFG … Continue reading
CRFG-Redwood members travelled to San Jose to collect scions from the many varieties of fruit trees at CRFG-maintained Prusch Park.The scions will be used to share with people at scion exchanges throughout Northern California. Photos courtesy of Maile Pieri. … Continue reading
Rachel and all officers were re-elected. Lots of interesting fruit to taste. Rachel displayed her school insect education project. Our Sonoma State grant recipient gave a presentation on his planned use to genetically identify the avocado trees around Sonoma County, … Continue reading
A great crowd assembled at the Ace in the Hole cider pub for CRFG Redwood’s annual apple tasting. We tasted 52 apples, 16 European pears and 5 Asian pears from 13 states and 10 countries. Remember that on any given … Continue reading
CRFG members put together another great table for the National Heirloom Exposition – a major event featuring thousands of heirloom varieties of produce and livestock, hundreds of pure food vendors, and numerous speakers. Thanks to everybody who helped setup and … Continue reading
CRFG held its annual Summer Plant sale and fundraiser. Dozens of varieties of rare fruit trees and plants were sold. … Continue reading
Ted Richarson hosted a tour at his Bella Ridge Farm, a small, 2 acre, CCOF certified farm outside of Occidental. We toured his over 300 fruit trees including apples, pears (European and Asian varieties), peaches, pluots, plums and more. The … Continue reading
A Bark Grafting and Citrus grafting demonstration was held at David Ulmer’s house. David demonstrated grafting persimmons by top-working to existing trees with bark grafts. Ray Sheehy shared his knowledge of bud grafting citrus trees. He brought citrus rootstocks and various varieties of … Continue reading